• Natural “Rose Quartz” Gemstone Handcrafted Bracelet.

    Natural healing crystal/ Gemstone “Rose quartz” by a certified gemologist

    “Rose quartz” inspires feeling of love and friendship. Rose quartz brings harmony and balances the relationships.

    Rose quartz helps one to forgive, understand the other side and also deepens the connection with the people. It helps you understand your own need for compassion.

    Rose quartz is the stone of “Unconditional love” and is basically for the Heart chakra.

    Natural rose quartz tumbles of total 100 grams in one pack.The colour of natural rose quartz is light pink, rose , peach to violet pink.

  • Natural Gemstone “Lapis Lazuli” Handcrafted Bracelet.

    • “Lapis Lazuli”– People have been drawn to this stone for nearly 6000 years because of intense blue lapis and golden and white glints. Good quality Lapis Lazuli is dark blue with patches of white calcite and Golden pyrite.
    • Mostly found in Afghanistan and Chile and adored by people around the globe.
    • Egyptians have used this stone in all major monuments and continue to do so.
    • “Lapis lazuli” is good for “Communication and Confidence”. It is a throat chakra stone and also good for Intuitions.
    • The bracelet is 7 inches stretchable standard size and is of unisex purpose.
  • Natural “Carnelian” with “Red Jasper” Gemstone Handcrafted Bracelet .

    • A natural “Carnelian” gemstone/ crystal will always by translucent reddish brown to Orange colour. Carnelians have always protected since centuries and in Islamic regions it is considered as pious or sacred stone called as “Sulaimani Aqeeq / Akiki”
    • “Carnelian” is a stone of motivation and strength. This stone clarifies perception. It gives confidence to move towards new path of life. Carnelian is a perfect stone for people who have demanding caress. It will help you keep motivated and help increase your stamina.
    • Carnelian is a perfect stone for people who have demanding caress. It will help you keep motivated and help increase your stamina.
    • “Carnelian” caters to the healing of base chakra/ sacral chakra. Carnelian helps in stimulating fertility and sexuality.
    • Deposits of carnelian are found in many parts of world like Romania, Iceland, Britain, India, peru.
    • “Jaspers” have been revered by a lot many ancient people and civilizations throughout the world as a sacre
    • “Red jasper” is a very good grounding stone and resonates with lower three chakras of the body-The sacral, base and the earth chakras. Thus is helps in increasing desire and sexual compatibility.
  • Natural Snowflake Obsidian Gemstone- Handcrafted Bracelet

    • Healing crystal/ Healing stone/Natural gemstone . Obsidian are found in the margins of lava flows where cooling is rapid . Obsidian is a frozen liquid with small amounts of mineral impurities . The appearance of “snowflakes ” in the obsidian has attracted a lot many people .
    • Snowflake obsidian is a type of black obsidian with white / grayish spots . These spots are called spherulites and they are composed of needle – shaped cristobalite which is another type of quartz .
    • Snowflake obsidian is often referred to as a “Stone of purity” since it balances the mind , body , spirit . It helps you to realise one’s “wrongful thinking” and turn towards productive thinking. This stone empowers isolation & loneliness.
    • Obsidian , in itself , is a very grounding and protective stone . It cleanses all the negative energies and one’s harmful thought pattern. This stone majorly comes from the united states , mexico.
    • The bracelet is 7 inches stretchable . Snowflake colour is white , black
  • Natural Gemstone Carnelian Banded Handcrafted Bracelet.

    • Healing crystal / natural gemstone “carnelian”. A natural “Carnelian” gemstone/ crystal will always by translucent reddish brown to Orange colour. Carnelians have always protected since centuries and in Islamic regions it is considered as pious or sacred stone called as “Sulaimani Aqeeq/ Akiki”.
    • Good for “sacral chakra”. “Carnelian” is a stone of motivation and strength. This stone clarifies perception. It gives confidence to move towards new path of life. Carnelian is a perfect stone for people who have demanding caress. It will help you keep motivated and help increase your stamina.
    • “Carnelian” caters to the healing of base chakra/ sacral chakra. Carnelian helps in stimulating fertility and sexuality.
    • Deposits of carnelian are found in many parts of world like Romania, Iceland, Britain, India, peru.
    • The bracelet is 7 inches stretchable. The colour of Carnelian is brown and orange.
  • Natural “Lapis Lazuli” Gemstone, macrame bracelet

    • “Lapis Lazuli”– People have been drawn to this stone for nearly 6000 years because of intense blue lapis and golden and white glints. Good quality Lapis Lazuli is dark blue with patches of white calcite and Golden pyrite.
    • Mostly found in Afghanistan and Chile and adored by people around the globe. Egyptians have used this stone in all major monuments and continue to do so.
    • “Lapis lazuli” is good for “Communication and Confidence”. It is a throat chakra stone and also good for Intuitions.
  • Natural “Green Aventurine ” Gemstone Minimalistic look in complete Handcrafted macrame Bracelet.

    • “Aventurine “ is a variety of quartz, characterized by its translucency and mica inclusions. Mica may or may not be prominently visible. Aventurine may range from light to medium dark green in colour. However, the intensity of the colour doesn’t change its healing properties. “Green aventurine” is a “Stone of growth, progress and opportunities “. In the times when people are venturing out in new arenas, green aventurine is used for manifesting growth and prospering.
    • Green Aventurine works for the solar plexus chakra and heart chakra and is a very good gemstone for calmning negative emotions like anger and irritation. Aventurine is found abundantly in nature and, in face, in many parts of the world India is the major produces of aventurines Brazil, Russia, Spain, Austria follow
  • Natural “Amethyst” with “Lapis lazuli” Gemstone Handcrafted Bracelet

    • “Lapis Lazuli”- People have been drawn to this stone for nearly 6000 years because of intense blue lapis and golden and white glints. Good quality Lapis Lazuli is dark blue with patches of white calcite and Golden pyrite.
    • Mostly found in Afghanistan and Chile and adored by people around the globe. Egyptians have used this stone in all major monuments and continue to do so.
    • “Lapis lazuli” is good for “Communication and Confidence”. It is a throat chakra stone and also good for Intuitions.
    • “Amethyst” has always been a prevalent stone. But despite this, it is reversed by people all across the globe. Amethyst has come to be known as the “Luxurious stone” this stone is found in many places like Brazil, Russia, Africa, India.
    • The colour of natural Amethyst might very from lavender to dark violet. But all shades of Amethyst display the same healing properties.
    • Amethyst” is a stone of “Crown chakra” . Thus it is a stone good for focus, concentration and intuition. For the
    • Amethyst is one such stone which is good for meditation. It helps in “Dhyan” and also releases stress. It promotes spiritual awareness and spiritual wisdom.
  • Natural “Apatite” Gemstone handcrafted Bracelet.

    • Apatite is found in fewer locations as compared to other gemstone. Combination of three minerals naturally leads to the formation of apatite which makes it rarer and harder to find.
    • Blue Apatite is associated with the third eye chakra and the throat chakra. Our consciousness, Perception, command and mental awareness comes from the third eye chakra. While throat chakra stone helps in public speaking and enhancing communications. ( Combining, it helps you communicate through your psychic abilities).
    • Blue Apatite is also called as appetite supressant and raises metabolism . It helps to Accept the Authentic you.
    • Blue Apatite’s Colour is usually blue – Green, Greenish – Blue. Sometimes deep, Dark Navya blue
  • Natural Gemstone Red Jasper (Stone for grounding) Handcrafted Bracelet.

    • “Jaspers” have been revered by a lot many ancient people and civilizations throughout the world as a sacred and very powerful stone/ gemstone/ healing crystal spiritually. It is much favoured in Greece, Persia, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries.
    • “Red jasper” is a very good grounding stone and resonates with lower three chakras of the body-The sacral, base and the earth chakras. Thus is helps in increasing desire and sexual compatibility.
    • “Red jasper” helps in raising the kundalini. It helps in connection with the Earth and brings about emotional equilibrium and spiritual grounding. It is also called as the “Stone of Endurance”.
    • “Red jaspers” are brownish- red in colour with grey streaks of iron in them. It is found in India, Russia, Indonesia, Madagascar and Many other places.
    • The bracelet is 7 inches stretchable.The colour of jasper is brownish- red
  • Natural Gemstone Green Aventurine (Indian Jade) Handcrafted Bracelet.

     “Aventurine “ is a variety of quartz , characterized by its translucency and mica inclusions. Mica may or may not be prominently visible . Aventurine may range from light to medium dark green in colour . However , the intensity of the colour doesn’t change its healing properties.

    “Green aventurine” is a “Stone of growth, progress and opportunities “. In the times when people are venturing out in new arenas, green aventurine is used for manifesting growth and prospering . It brings about career success.

    Green Aventurine works for the solar plexus chakra and heart chakra and is a very good gemstone for calming negative emotions like anger and irritation .

    Aventurine is found abundantly in nature and , in face , in many parts of the world India is the major produces of aventurines Brazil , Russia , Spain , Austria follow .

  • Natural Gemstone ” Green Aventurine” Anklet

    • “Aventurine ” is a variety of quartz , characterized by its translucency and mica inclusions. Mica may or may not be prominently visible . Aventurine may range from light to medium dark green in colour . However , the intensity of the colour doesn’t change its healing properties.
    • “Green aventurine” is a “Stone of growth, progress and opportunities “. In the times when people are venturing out in new arenas, green aventurine is used for manifesting growth and prospering . It brings about career success .
    • Green Aventurine works for the solar plexus chakra and heart chakra and is a very good gemstone for calmning negative emotions like anger and irritation .
    • Aventurine is found abundantly in nature and , in face , in many parts of the world India is the major produces of aventurines Brazil , Russia , Spain , Austria follow .
  • Natural “Lapis Lazuli” With “Black Obsidian” Anklet

    • “Lapis Lazuli”- People have been drawn to this stone for nearly 6000 years because of intense blue lapis and golden and white glints. Good quality Lapis Lazuli is dark blue with patches of white calcite and Golden pyrite.
    • Mostly found in Afghanistan and Chile and adored by people around the globe. Egyptians have used this stone in all major monuments and continue to do so.
    • “Lapis lazuli” is good for “Communication and Confidence”. It is a throat chakra stone and also good for Intuitions.
    • “Black Obsidian” has been used since the paleolithic tines when it was used in wars to make arrowheads and other tools. Obsidian is shiny/ glossy and is made from the molten lava which cools down very quickly. This bracelet is obsidian and has a rare phenomenon of displaying rain bow effect also called as “Black Rain bow obsidian” of any light is thrown on the beads some beads will display a sheen called Rainbow.
    • Mostly found in Afghanistan and Chile and adored by people around the globe. Egyptians have used this stone in all major monuments and continue to do so.
  • Natural Gemstone “Amazonite” Anklet

    • The name of this stone has been derived from the largest river in south america -the amazon .natural amazonite is usually opaque ,blue- green,yellowish-green or turqoise-blue in colour with white veining.
    • This stone is a great energy filter and helps you balance your yin and yang energies Hence it represent a balance between masculine & feminine energy.
    • Amazonite is also a great “Pacifier” as it helps in calmning oneself from stress.
    • Amazonite rules the heart, throat, third eye and thymus chakras. Also called as “Hope Stone “.
  • Natural Gemstone “Black Obsidian” With “Labradorite” Anklet

    • “Black Obsidian” has been used since the paleolithic tines when it was used in wars to make arrowheads and other tools. Obsidian is shiny/ glossy and is made from the molten lava which cools down very quickly.
    • This bracelet is obsidian and has a rare phenomenon of displaying rain bow effect also called as “Black Rain bow obsidian” of any light is thrown on the beads some beads will display a sheen called Rainbow.
    • Obsidian is a very protective stone. It dispels any sort of negativity or blockages than cone in life. It someone feels that he / she has Scatered energies, they must wear it .
    • Obsidian is a great protective stone. It brings harmonious balance between your spiritual self and physical world of reality.
    • Ralph waldo emerson rightly said-“A man is like a labradorite spar , which has no lustre as you turn it in your hand unite you come to a particular angle , then it shows deep and beautiful colors”.
    • “Labradorite” come from a family of feldspar . It has a remarkable grey colour with flashes of peacock blue , green , yellow or copper colours which is a natural phenomenon .
    • “Labradorite “is called a re- generative stone or a “Stone of transformation” . It is an extremely good protective stone . It seals the aura and doesn’t let negativity to be absorbed by you . It is a stone of magic and brings about a change in a person’s views and opinions.
    • Since it is a stone of magic , many people believed it awakened a person’s awarenecss for self – discovery & destiny.
  • Natural Gemstone “Tiger eye” With “Black Obsidian” Anklet

    • “Black Obsidian” has been used since the paleolithic tines when it was used in wars to make arrowheads and other tools. Obsidian is shiny/ glossy and is made from the molten lava which cools down very quickly.
    • This bracelet is obsidian and has a rare phenomenon of displaying rain bow effect also called as “Black Rain bow obsidian” of any light is thrown on the beads some beads will display a sheen called Rainbow.
    • Obsidian is a very protective stone. It dispels any sort of negativity or blockages than cone in life. It someone feels that he / she has Scatered energies, they must wear it .
    • Obsidian is a great protective stone. It brings harmonious balance between your spiritual self and physical world of reality.
    • Tiger eye is a very effective stone for people suffering from fear, phobias or depression. It helps in healing people from psychosomatic illnesses.
    • Natural tiger -eye comes in shades of yellow -golden black streaks.
    • It promotes increasing an individual’s confidence and bringing about a balance in his/her life.
  • Natural “Carnelian” with “Amethyst” Gemstone Handcrafted Bracelet.

    • A natural “Carnelian” gemstone/ crystal will always by translucent reddish brown to Orange colour. Carnelians have always protected since centuries and in Islamic regions it is considered as pious or sacred stone called as “Sulaimani Aqeeq / Akiki”
    • “Carnelian” is a stone of motivation and strength. This stone clarifies perception. It gives confidence to move towards new path of life. Carnelian is a perfect stone for people who have demanding caress. It will help you keep motivated and help increase your stamina
    • Carnelian is a perfect stone for people who have demanding caress. It will help you keep motivated and help increase your stamina.
    • “Carnelian” caters to the healing of base chakra/ sacral chakra. Carnelian helps in stimulating fertility and sexuality.
    • Deposits of carnelian are found in many parts of world like Romania, Iceland, Britain, India, peru.
    • “Amethyst” has always been a prevalent stone. But despite this, it is reversed by people all across the globe. Amethyst has come to be known as the “Luxurious stone” this stone is found in many places like Brazil, Russia, Africa, India.
    • The colour of natural Amethyst might very from lavender to dark violet. But all shades of Amethyst display the same healing properties.
  • Natural “Black onyx” with “Red jasper” Gemstone Handcrafted Bracelet .

    • “Jaspers” have been revered by a lot many ancient people and civilizations throughout the world as a sacre
    • “Red jasper” is a very good grounding stone and resonates with lower three chakras of the body-The sacral, base and the earth chakras. Thus is helps in increasing desire and sexual compatibility.
    • “Red jasper” helps in raising the kundalini. It helps in connection with the Earth and brings about em
    • “Red jaspers” are brownish- red in color with grey streaks of iron in them. It is found in India, Russia, Indonesia, Madagascar and Many other places.
  • Natural “Green onyx” with “Aventurine” Gemstone Handcrafted Bracelet

    • Green Onyx is a part of chalcedony which is dyed deep green for aesthetic purpose. sometimes the stone also displays blue / black/ white bonding
    • Green Onyx is symbolic of purity & growth. It is a stone for Buddh (mercury) and thus it provides great mental support to take decisions during difficulties.
    • It also facilitates growth at work and is considered auspicious for the ones starting new businesses/ jobs .
    • Green Onyx is found is Brazil, India, Madagascar, Peric, USA .
    • “Aventurine ” is a variety of quartz, characterized by its translucency and mica inclusions. Mica may or may not be prominently visible. Aventurine may range from light to medium dark green in colour. However, the intensity of the colour doesn’t change its healing properties. “Green aventurine” is a “Stone of growth, progress and opportunities “. In the times when people are venturing out in new arenas, green aventurine is used for manifesting growth and prospering.
    • green Aventurine works for the solar plexus chakra and heart chakra and is a very good gemstone for calmning negative emotions like anger and irritation. Aventurine is found abundantly in nature and, in face, in many parts of the world India is the major produces of aventurines Brazil, Russia, Spain, Austria follow
    • green Aventurine works for the solar plexus chakra and heart chakra and is a very good gemstone for calmning negative emotions like anger and irritation .
    • Aventurine is found abundantly in nature and , in face , in many parts of the world India is the major produces of aventurines Brazil , Russia , Spain , Austria follow .
  • Natural “Labradorite” with “Black Obsidian” Gemstone Handcrafted Bracelet.

    • Ralph waldo emerson rightly said-“A man is like a labradorite spar , which has no lustre as you turn it in your hand unite you come to a particular angle , then it shows deep and beautiful colors.
    • “Labradorite “come from a family of feldspar . It has a remarkable grey colour with flashes of peacock blue , green , yellow or copper colours which is a natural phenomenon .
    • “Labradorite” is called a re- generative stone or a “Stone of transformation” . It is an extremely good protective stone . It seals the aura and doesn’t let negativity to be absorbed by you . It is a stone of magic and brings about a change in a person’s views and opinions.
    • Since it is a stone of magic , many people believed it awakened a person’s awarenecss for self – discovery & destiny.
    • “Black Obsidian” has been used since the paleolithic tines when it was used in wars to make arrowheads and other tools. Obsidian is shiny/ glossy and is made from the molten lava which cools down very quickly.
    • This bracelet is obsidian and has a rare phenomenon of displaying rain bow effect also called as “Black Rain bow obsidian” of any light is thrown on the beads some beads will display a sheen called Rainbow.
    • Obsidian is a very protective stone. It dispels any sort of negativity or blockages than cone in life. It someone feels that he / she has Scatered energies, they must wear it .
    • Obsidian is a great protective stone. It brings harmonious balance between your spiritual self and physical world of reality.

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